2025 Committee

(L/R - Ahmet, Luke, Aaron)

President - Aaron Verlin

Vice President - Ahmet Ahmet

Treasurer - Stephen McHenry

Secretary (Governance) - Marnie Lunnon-Johnson   (secretary@leopoldfnc.com.au)

Director of Football (Senior) - Hamish Easton   

Director of Netball - Ingrid Castricum   (netball.leopoldfnc@gmail.com)

Director of External Facilities - Richard Parke

Junior Football - Steve & Sarah Jeffreys   (juniorfootball@leopoldfnc.com.au)

Junior Netball - Kelly Smetham   (kellysmetham_LJFNC@outlook.com)

Bar/Clubrooms - Chris Symes

Sponsorship - Steven Harper   (harperx4@bigpond.com)

Administration - Kirsty Fagan   (admin@leopoldfnc.com.au)